Upaya Peningkatan Soft dan Hard Skill Siswa SMK
soft skill, hard skill, percaya diri, komunikasi, websiteAbstract
Abstrak: Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini sebagai peningkatan soft dan hard skill siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Peserta kegiatan ini adalah siswa SMK. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan soft dan hard skill siswa meliputi pelatihan public speaking, workshop desain web, dan kompetisi presentasi website. Kegiatan public speaking dilaksanakan dengan pemaparan materi komunikasi dan percaya diri, serta tanya jawab dengan peserta. Pada kegiatan workshop desain web peserta diberi modul tentang membuat web menggunakan html, php, dan weebly. Pada akhir workshop, siswa diberi tugas membuat web dengan tema online shop. Kegiatan kompetisi presentasi website diperoleh 2 web terbaik yaitu roulaskripik.weebly.com dan barudotcom.000webhostapp.com. Siswa mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan percaya diri berdasarkan presentasi hasil website. Siswa juga menjalankan online shop kripik talas melalui website yang dibuat.
Abstract: The purpose of this activity is to improve the soft and hard skills of Vocational High School students. Participants in this activity are vocational students. Efforts made to improve student’s soft and hard skills include public speaking training, web design workshops, and website presentation competitions. Public speaking activities were carried out by presenting communication and confidence materials, as well as question and answer sessions with participants. In the web design workshop, participants were given a module about creating a web using HTML, PHP, and Weebly. At the end of the workshop, students were given the task of creating a web with an online shop theme. Website presentation competition activities were obtained by the best 2 webs, namely roulaskripik.weebly.com and barudotcom.000webhostapp.com. Students are able to communicate well and confidently based on the presentation of website results. Students also run an online shop for taro chips through the website created.