Higher Education in The Covid-19 Era: Challenges and Assessment


  • Awal Kurnia Putra Nasution IAIN Takengon


Higher Education; Covid-19 era; Challenges; Assessment


The Covid-19 era has brought significant changes to universities around the world, a change in the form of a transition from face-to-face learning to online learning. This change certainly presents a challenge for universities. The purpose of this article is to find out the challenges of education in higher education during the Covid-19 era and to find out how educational assessment were carried out during the Covid-19 era in universities. The research method used is library research, data sources in the form of articles with the theme of education in higher education from Scopus indexed journals. The instrument for collecting article data used the Publish or Perish application and the data analysis used content analysis. The results of the study found that there are various challenges faced by higher education, ranging from the unpreparedness of educational institutions in the transition to face-to-face learning to online learning, the use of technology in learning, internet access, maintaining health during the learning process, and reduced college finances due to the reduced number of students. Assessment is carried out online; the advantages of online assessment are in the form of speed and timeliness of the exam; the weakness is in the form of exam supervision, which is challenging to do. During online learning, students feel that they have lost contact with the teacher; it is necessary to find a solution to the problem.


