Membangun Kreativitas Melalui Kegiatan Membaca Bagi Siswa-Siswi SDN Desa Wanakaya Kecamatan Haurgeulis Kabupaten Indramayu


  • Susi Machdalena Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Susi Yuliawati Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Nany Ismail Universitas Padjadjaran


The activities done through the integrated PKM conducted at public elementary schools in Wanakaya Village of Indramayu District was focused to build the students creativity in the school. These creative activities were in a form of telling children’s stories from Indonesia and other countries. The stories selected are those with moral lessons, and that show good characters. These types of stories will give good example to elementary students. The present community service program aims to build students’ creativity through reading activities. The method applied in this program is direct counselling with a group and individual approach by using informative and persuasive communication techniques. The data were collected through interviews, and observation, while the method of analysis was conducted through competitions. The competitions were divided into four categories. The result of this activities shows the following indications: a.) there are students who voluntarily asked to act out the story in drama performance so that they could play along with the story together, b.) students could have their own initiatives to perform on rehearsal whether it be in playing a role in a drama, in monologue, dialogue or even in rewriting selected stories on a piece of paper, c.) students performed more confidently, and they did not make fun of their friends who made mistakes in retelling or acting out the stories, d.) more students volunteered to act out the stories, and they were less shy compared to the first time they were introduced to the stories, e.) students learned lessons from the stories, f.) when students were given gifts, they volunteered to help handing them to their friends, g.) one student voluntarily showed her gratitude to us because she, on behalf of her friends, thought that they learned valuable lessons from the activities in class. These attitudes are characteristics of their creativity that they have without them knowing it. They basically have high level of creativity, and they only need someone to open up the path. That path has now been opened and all they need to do left is to internalise and improve it


