Peningkatan Keterampilan Berfikir Kritis melalui Model Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Audio Visual pada Siswa Kelas IV SD
Critical Thinking Skills, Audio Visual, Model PBLAbstract
The purpose of this research is to improve critical thinking skill through the model of Problem Based Learning which helped with visual audio to students in grade 4 at the 01 Public Elementary School in Salatiga, the type of this research is Class Action Research (CAR), using procedure of planning, action, implementation of the action and observation and then reflection. The instrument of the data collection is using observation sheets, the questions of the test and questionnaires. Based on the results of the research was found that the use of problem based learning model with visual audio to improve students' critical thinking skills. At the first cycle increased to 18 students reached the critical category with the percentage of 42.85%, where as 20 students reached the category critical enough with the percentage of 47.61%. After that 2 students reach the category very critical with the percentage of 4.76%, and 2 students reach the category which is not very critical with the percentage 4.76%. In the second cycle there was a significant increase of 5 students who reached the category very critical with the percentage of 11.90%. Even though there are 37 students who reached the critical category with the percentage of 88,09%.References
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