Kaitan Akses Internet dan Penyelesaian Tugas Sekolah Berdasarkan Regresi Kuantil Menuju Masyarakat 5.0


  • Suparna Parwodiwiyono Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta


Internet access, Quantile regression, School assignment


For the post millennial generation the use of the internet is very familiar but with various purposes of use. This study wants to look at the relationship between the use of the internet by residents who are currently in school for the sake of completing school work in Indonesia to get good learning outcomes. Analysis based on secondary data from the 2018 National Socio-Economic Survey. It's just that the data obtained is not symmetrical with outliers. Quantile regression is used to minimize the effect of outliers. The study found that there was a close relationship between internet access from residents who were in school and completion of school work. The quantile regression results show that the proportion of internet access for completing school work differs between groups of proportions of internet use. A high proportion of internet use will be used for completing higher school work.


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