Upaya Peningkatan High Order Thinking Skills Melalui Accelerated Learning Pendekatan Inferentilialism
High Order Thinking Skills, Accelerated Learning, InferentilismAbstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze the quality of learning and to describe high order thinking skills through accelerated learning inferentialism approach. This research is a combination research with explanatory sequential design. The research subjects were selected from class XI with the type of purposive sampling. The results showed that the accelerated learning model inferentialism approach at the stage of the preparation of the categorized results was very good, the implementation stage for the activities of the teacher categorized very well while the student activities were categorized quite well and at the evaluation stage the model used was effective. High order thingking skills of students also increased which in the initial research got a score of 66 after going through the accelerated learning model the inferentialism approach gained a score of 87 with the analyze, evaluate and create indicators that there were changes in solving problems.References
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