Pengembangan Media Blog Berbantuan Quizstar Sebagai Pembelajaran Daring Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Kelas X SMK


  • Ridwan Ridwan Universitas Negeri Manado


Blog Media, Quizstar, Online Learning, Critical Thinking


The research aims to: (1) Develop Quizstar-assisted blog media as student online learning, (2) analyse the quality of online learning, (3) test the effectiveness of online learning to improve critical thinking skills Grade X students of Vocational High School. The research team uses the ADDIE model with data collection techniques that are poll to see the satisfaction of teachers and students, then test as evaluation of the results of the students ' critical thinking ability. The subject in research was 32 students. The results showed that (1) the development of Quizstar-assisted media blog as online learning in accordance with the development procedure, (2) Satisfaction of the results of the average learning media quality of respondents gave a very good response or Agreed, as well as (3) The evaluation of learning media including effective categories to improve students ' critical thinking, which is at 82.88 for the TITLE of the titles and 78.38 for the TITLE-2. Therefore, it can be concluded that the development of blog-assisted Quizstar as a means of online learning to improve the critical thinking of students get good results and positive response and effective in grade X students VHS.


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