Fabrikasi Panel Surya Buatan Berlapis Ekstraksi Pasta Gigi dengan Sensitized Dye Klorofil Daun serta Analisis Kapasitansi Listriknya


  • Mahendra Satria Hadiningrat Institut Teknologi dan Sains Nahdlatul Ulama Pasuruan
  • Eggi Aunur Rofiq Institut Teknologi dan Sains Nahdlatul Ulama Pasuruan


Dye, DSSC, Solar Cell


For that goal, analized much of solar panel capacitance which is topped of Titanium dioxide and Paste with leaves extraction. The method used 2 paralel blocks (each of 8x8,5 centimeters) that made in panel (12 solar cell  24x 34 centimeters), 1 block (as primary electrode) was being topped by Titanium dioxide dusts and paste as a conductive irons, leaves extractions, lemon water and betadine (such as povidone iodine included), that goes as in countered electrode, then its jump toward to get capacitance analized. Data variation could be used of depends on panel dimensions and lighting times. Solar panel which is planned into 5-40 Watt belonging inverter power 150 Watt, Solar Charge Controller and Acetic acid (12V, 5Ah). This accuracy of all, hopely that we got a much of Currency so its output for the power plant solar cell could be accommodated clearly for maintaining solar panel indeed.


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