Analisis Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Sistem Blok di Masa Pandemi COVID-19: Studi Kasus Politeknik STMI Jakarta


  • Safril Safril Politeknik STMI Jakarta


Covid-19, Block System, Learning


Pandemic Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) locally, which later spread throughout the world through local transmission, the spread of this virus, started in the years of 2020. Based on WHO data May 29, 2020, recorded the spread of COVID-19 cases, at least 5,796,257 infected world population, and 362,483 populations were declared dead. In Indonesia, there were 25,216 infected inhabitants and 1,520 died. This matter, affects the whole sector, whether it is economic and educational sectors. In the implementation of a Large-scale social restriction (PSBB) applied in Jakarta and some regions in Indonesia are considered less effective so that the switch to the era new normal. With the implementation, a new era in the COVID-19 pandemic will give a challenge to education so that appropriate methods of learning are needed. This paper aims to implement the block system learning in the Covid-19 pandemic period by analyzing the specialization of students and lecturers in the Polytechnic STMI of Jakarta environment, by dividing the two groups of student groups. The data collection method uses a questionnaire and Likert scale as an assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the block system learning method. Data processing using the Pearson moment product method, which then performed the validity, reliability, and linearity tests on the software. From the results of the analysis and processing of data in a statistical hypothesis, it stated that block system learning can be applied, determined from the interests of students, and lecturers


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