Persepsi Kesesuaian Penempatan Pegawai Dalam Menunjang Peningkatan Kinerja BBPK Ciloto Tahun 2020
Placement, Staff, Job, PerceptionAbstract
Civil servants were not only to just working in stated workplaces, but they should develop their competencies to increase their work capacities. The most popular technique to coach them was to conduct employee’s re/placement program. This program was based on competence need for each job, in each placement, in the institution. BBPK Ciloto had arranged employee’s placement program but it hadn’t researched further, according to employee’s perception of their job and their competencies. Descriptive method was conducted in this study. Data was collected by using cross sectional technique. The conceptual framework of this study was built based on systemic approach, e.g. Input –Process – Output framework. Collecting data used questionnaires which was contained several statements, based on Health Belief Model. Collected Data were analyzed descriptively. It will describe participant’s perception, especially regarding with staff placement. It’s around 136 of 146 participants who responded to all statements completely. The statement which had smallest positive responds was the statement number 5. It’s shown that around 18 of 136 staffs, who felt competence discrepancies related to their job in their workplace. It’s around 14 respondents who didn’t give positive respond according to their placement. Four of them (2,94%) stated their displacement according to competence discrepancy. And 10 others (7,35%) need to be replaced to another workplace, regarding with their competency development. Human resource development in BBPK Ciloto should overcome this result by reconfirmed to 14 respondents, then made some replacements for those staffs. Or it should give some competency development programs for those staffs.References
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