Gambaran Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja di Panembong Girang Desa Mekarsari Cianjur
health, Reproduction, Teen, Mekarsari VillageAbstract
MMR (Maternal Mortality Rate) and IMR (Infant Mortality Rate) in the working area of the Nagrak Community Health Center are still high in general and the Mekarsari Village area in particular. One of the indirect causes of maternal and infant deaths is due to the low knowledge of adolescents about adolescent reproduction. So that the teenager as a prospective mother is less prepared to welcome pregnancy and having children after marriage. This research uses quantitative and qualitative methods. Research place in Panembong excited, sample of 30 teenagers. Preliminary data were taken from the Mekarsari Village profile, the Nagrak Pusksmas profile and face to face with 32 teenagers to explore the problem as initial data collection documented in the form of photos.References
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