Pembelajaran Daring Struktur Aljabar dan Analisis Real Pada Masa Pandemi
online learning, algebraic structure, real analysisAbstract
Algebraic structure and real analysis complement each other in the construction of the mathematics. A pre-service teacher must master these two branches of mathematics, especially in discussions that are directly related to the school mathematics curriculum. Pandemic forced many parties to adapt to online learning in a short time. Even though many students are not familiar with online learning. This study aims at describing the applications and methods, student responses, and learning outcomes in online learning of algebraic structure and real analysis courses. This study is a qualitative research. The subjects were Mathematics Education students who took part in online learning during the pandemic. The main instrument was the researcher, while the supporting instruments were the student response questionnaire and exam questions. The results showed that there were several applications and methods used in online learning. The applications used are whatsapp, google classroom, zoom, and youtube. The methods used is the delivery of material in the form of writing and video, discussion, and exercises. Students prefer learning with the google classroom application and delivering material in the form of video. Student learning outcomes are goodReferences
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