Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Pembangkit Hybrid (PLN-Solar Cell) Berbasis Wemos D1 Mini Esp8266


  • I Wayan Suriana Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
  • I Wayan Sugarayasa Universitas Pendidikan Nasional


Hybrid, Internet of Things, New Renewable Energy, Synchronization


Abstract: For that goal, analized the monitoring system and synchronization of hybrid system generators. The first study looked at the characteristics of electrical energy produced by solar power plants (PLTS). This characteristic is determined by several things, including weather conditions and the duration of irradiation in an area which affects the value of light intensity, voltage (V), current (I) and the power that can be generated. In this study, hybrid devices and synchronizer power supplies were designed for PLTS and PLN grids using the DC voltage domain. Setting the DC voltage level on the PLTS side and the PLN grid makes PLTS the main source for supplying the load, while electricity from the PLN grid will be used when the electrical energy produced by PLTS is insufficient. The trial was carried out to observe the performance of the synchronization system which was designed at 08:00 to 16:00 with energy consumption data retrieval carried out every 1 hour. Control of the generator system is carried out remotely by using an internet communication that implements the internet of things for the monitoring and control process in hybrid power plants integrated on the web.


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