Meningkatkan Tingkat Kemandirian Belajar Siswa dengan Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Flipped Classroom
kemandirian belajar, model pembelajaran, flippedc classroom, hasil belajarAbstract
During the last three years, the unemployment rate in Indonesia has continued to decline. This indicates that a large number of workers have been properly absorbed. However, this increase in employment absorption is inversely proportional to the contribution of labor from Vocational High School (SMK) graduates. SMK contributes 8.63% of the total Open Unemployment Rate (TPT). This number is among the largest in 2019. Vocational education aims to produce graduates who are skilled and ready to work. Independence is one of the indicators that cause the high contribution of TPT by SMK graduates. The Flipped Classroom (FC) learning model is a learning model that can increase the independence of students. So is the FC learning model able to increase the level of independence of vocational students learning? Is the FC learning model the right solution to overcome the low independence of SMK graduates? This research was conducted through a review of relevant literature and research results and continued through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The data analysis technique used is the descriptive-qualitative analysis technique. The research found that the FC learning model was able to increase the level of student independence. The application of the FC model in the long term is expected to be able to overcome the low level of independence of SMK graduates
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