Teaching Grammar within Supervisory Acts on Students’ Academic Writing Works


  • Abdur Rofik Universitas Sains Alqur'an
  • Ana Widiyanti Universitas Sains Alqur'an
  • Latifah Dwi Ariyani Universitas Sains Alqur'an




grammar teaching, writing, grammatical expansion, writing skill


The debate over prescriptive and descriptive grammar remains great among linguists. The distinct perception of if grammar should be taught embedded with writing activities or not are always interesting in English as Foreign Language () contexts. The present study therefore is aimed at revealing (1) the students’ first grammar construction in their writing, (2) how , and (3) factors to construct various structures of grammar in writing. The study involved 3 participants of English literature study program in a private university. Their first writing works were analyzed to find the structures of grammar that they wrote. They then were required to expand their grammar in writing after getting grammar teaching. Furthermore, they proposed their perception of grammar teaching embedded with writing. The findings revealed that the grammatical structures written by the students after they got grammar teaching were more various than those before they were taught. The study also uncovered that the action research led the students to develop their linguistics knowledge, and enhance their writing competency. Furthermore, the study unveiled that grammar rule understanding was prominent to writing practices, and to support grammatical expansion, vocabulary took an essential role to enhance the students’ writing practices.


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