Perbedaan Kecepatan Tendangan Depan dan Tendangan Sabit Pesilat PSHT Pada Dataran Tinggi dan Dataran Rendah


  • Ahadi Priyohutomo Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Eko Hariyanto Universitas Negeri Malang



Pencak silat, Dataran tinggi, Dataran rendah


The purpose of this study was to compare the ability of the front kick and sickle kick of PSHT fighters in the highlands and lowlands. This study uses a quantitative descriptive research method. The research subjects in this study were 20 fighters. Data collection in this study was carried out using sickle kick and front kick test instruments for 10 seconds (right and left) as well as interview tests. Based on the results of the Independent Sample T-Test test with (1) a value of 0.09 P Value <0.05 (α) and it is stated that there is a significant difference in the right front kick of highland and lowland fighters (2) a value of 0 .23 P Value > 0.05 (α) and it is stated that there is no significant difference in the left front kick of highland and lowland fighters (3) value of 0.69 P Value > 0.05 (α) P Value and this stated that there was no significant difference in the left front kick of highland and lowland fighters (4) with a value of 0.60 P Value > 0.05 (α) and this stated that there was no significant difference in the left crescent kick highland and lowland fighters. Based on data analysis, it can be interpreted that the speed category of all kicks is still dominated by high crystal fighters with good categories.


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