Analisis Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal pada Materi Lingkaran


  • Dicko Cahya Permata IAIN Metro Lampung
  • Juitaning Mustika IAIN Metro, Lampung



Abstrak: Matematika ialah ilmu pengetahuan yang penting. Pemerintah menjadikan matematika sebagai mata pelajaran wajib di sekolah. Peringkat Indonesia pada PISA 2018 menurun apabila dibandingkan dengan PISA 2015, artinya kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa pada mata pelajaran matematika masih menjadi permasalahan. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mendeskripsikan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik dalam menyelesaikan soal materi Lingkaran. Jenis penelitiannya ialah kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ialah 30 peserta didik kelas XI IPA 3 di SMAN 5 Metro. Indikator kemampuan pemecahan masalah antara lain: (1) Memahami masalah; (2) Menyusun strategi; (3) Melaksanakan strategi; dan (4) Memeriksa kembali. Alat pengumpulan data yaitu tes tertulis dan wawancara. Hasil penelitiannya adalah siswa berkategori “Sangat Baik” mampu menyelesaikan setiap indikator kecuali pada nomor 4 indikator memeriksa kembali; siswa berkategori “Baik” mampu menyelesaikan setiap indikator, tetapi pada nomor 4 hanya sampai indikator memahami masalah; siswa berkategori “Cukup” hanya mampu menyelesaikan indikator pada nomor 1 dan 3; siswa berkategori “Kurang” hanya mampu menyelesaikan indikator nomor 1, sementara nomor 2 sampai 4 hanya sampai tahap menyusun strategi; siswa berkategori “Kurang Sekali” hanya mampu menyelesaikan indikator pada nomor 1, sedangkan pada nomor 2 hanya 3 indikator, nomor 3 dan 4 hanya sampai pada tahap memahami masalah.


Abstract: Mathematics is an important science. The government made mathematics a compulsory subject in schools. Indonesia's ranking in PISA 2018 has decreased when compared to PISA 2015, meaning that students' problem-solving abilities in mathematics are still a problem. The purpose of this research is to describe students' mathematical problem-solving abilities in solving circle material questions. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects were 30 students of class XI IPA 3 at SMAN 5 Metro. Indicators of problem solving ability include: (1) Understanding the problem; (2) Developing a strategy; (3) Implementing the strategy; and (4) Checking back. Data collection tools using written tests and interviews. The results of the research were that students in the "Very Good" category were able to complete each indicator except for number 4 of the re-examining indicator; students in the "Good" category were able to complete each indicator, but at number 4 only until the indicator understood the problem; students in the "Enough" category were only able to complete indicators in numbers 1 and 3; students in the "Less" category were only able to complete indicator number 1, while in numbers 2 to 4 only reached the strategy formulation stage; students in the "Less Once" category were only able to complete indicators in number 1, while in number 2 only 3 indicators, numbers 3 and 4 only reached the stage of understanding the problem.

